SDO Property

JSON Syntax of DS-V1

A dsv:RestrictedProperty node specifies the use of a SDO property (referenced with dsv:baseProperty) with a limited amount of ranges. Each range is represented by its own in the dsv:expectedType property. The ranges may be from following @ type: schema:DataType, dsv:RestrictedClass, or dsv:RestrictedEnumeration. Cardinality is expressed through the properties dsv:isOptional and dsv:multipleValuesAllowed.

  "@type": "dsv:Property",
  "dsv:baseProperty": {
    "@id": "schema:address"
  "schema:name": "address",
  "dsv:isOptional": false,
  "dsv:multipleValuesAllowed": false,
  "dsv:justification": "The address of an event. To indicate the place of the event.",
  "dsv:expectedType": [
      "@type": "schema:DataType",
      "@type": "dsv:RestrictedClass",


In SHACL Syntax the referencing of the property is done with sh:path instead of dsv:baseProperty. The cardinality is expressed with sh:minCount and sh:maxCount. The "@ type": "sh:PropertyShape" type definition is optional, but recommended (In our case we want to use it, in order to make the DS more readable). The SHACL property sh:closed is expected as standard (other properties as those listed are not allowed) and has not to be listed in the DS. The property ordering can now be defined with sh:order (int starting from 0, optional property). The property may have rdfs:comment to justify the usage of the property and its ranges (string, optional). The definition of a custom description for this property is also possible with "sh:description" (string, optional), this allows to override the default property description from

The value range(s) for the property can be defined in different manner, but we should always use "sh:or" to define the range(s), even if there is only 1 possible range. (see explanation below)

Example uses @context of

  "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",
  "sh:path": "schema:address",
  "sh:minCount": 1,
  "sh:maxCount": 1,
  "sh:order": 5,
  "rdfs:comment": "The address is required to enable location based features of applications. The value should express the city, country and postal code of the business.",
  "sh:or": {
    "@list": [
        "sh:class": "schema:PostalAddress",
        "sh:node": {
          "@type": "sh:NodeShape",
        "sh:datatype": "xsd:string"

The definition of ranges is more tricky in SHACL: Depending on the amount and type of the ranges different SHACL properties can/must be used. In the following are the different possibilities listed for a single range type, which is defined in the same level as the property itself. Note that we should always use the "sh:or" wrapper to make our lives easier while working with DS.

Range: datatype

If the range is a basic datatype of SDO, then sh:datatype must be used. (see mapping of SHACL<->SDO datatypes in

  "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",
  "sh:path": "schema:address",
  "sh:datatype": "xsd:string"

Range: enumeration

If the range is an enumeration of SDO, then sh:class is used to specify the expected enumeration type (e.g. schema:DayOfWeek) and sh:in CAN used to specify a set of allowed enumeration members for that enumeration type (e.g. schema:Sunday, schema:Monday, etc.). See for more examples.

  "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",
  "sh:path": "schema:dayOfWeek",
  "sh:class": "schema:DayOfWeek",
  "sh:in": {
    "@list": [

Range: standard type

If the range is a class of SDO without any other restrictions, then sh:class is used to specify the expected SDO class that is used for the property. As long as the value of the property has the specified @ type, the constraint is fulfilled (the entity may have any properties allowed for that class).

  "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",
  "sh:path": "schema:address",
  "sh:class": "schema:PostalAddress"

Range: restricted type

If the range is a restricted class of SDO, then sh:node is used (additionally to sh:class to express the target class) to wrap the extended constraints, that are defined with a sh:NodeShape node (see

  "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",
  "sh:path": "schema:address",
  "sh:class": "schema:PostalAddress",
  "sh:node": {
    "@type": "sh:NodeShape",    
    "sh:property": [
        "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",

Multiple ranges

If there are multiple valid ranges for a property then all possible ranges are wrapped with the sh:or property.

  "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",
  "sh:path": "schema:author",
  "sh:or": {
    "@list": [
        "sh:class": "schema:Organization"
        "sh:class": "schema:Person",
        "sh:node": {
          "@type": "sh:NodeShape",
          "sh:property": [
        "sh:datatype": "xsd:string"

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