Grammar Documentation for node type "TextRule"

TextRules are rules that apply on values which have the data type "Text" or "URL" from

The specific rule type is given by the value in the "$rule" property. The properties which rules can have are explained in the document. Note that the "subject" property can be omitted, if the "$path" object has an empty JSON Pointer as value (see for details).

However, the data type for the "parameter" depends on the "$rule" value (e.g. arguments for the rule function), and is explained in the following.


The "hasLength" rule compares the length of a given Text (the validated subject) with a given numeric pattern. The constraint is fulfilled if the length of the string matches the numeric pattern.

  "$type": "TextRule",
  "$rule": "hasLength",
  "subject": {
      "$path": "/name"
  "parameter": "(>4 & <20)"

The parameter is a numeric pattern that serves as the second argument for the rule function. The constraint is fulfilled if the length of the string matches the numeric pattern.


The "equals" rule checks if a given Text (the validated subject) matches a given string. Based on

  "$type": "TextRule",
  "$rule": "equals",
  "parameter": "Austria"

The parameter is a string which serves as the second argument for the rule function. The given Text (the validated subject) must be the same as the given parameter. The comparison is case sensitive!


The "startsWith" rule checks if a given Text (the validated subject) starts with a given string. Based on

  "$type": "TextRule",
  "$rule": "startsWith",
  "parameter": "+43"

The parameter is a string that serves as the second argument for the rule function. The given Text (the validated subject) must have the given parameter as substring at the start. The comparison is case sensitive!


The "endsWith" rule checks if a given Text (the validated subject) ends with a given string. Based on

  "$type": "TextRule",
  "$rule": "endsWith",
  "parameter": "hausen"

The parameter is a string that serves as the second argument for the rule function. The given Text (the validated subject) must have the given parameter as substring at the end. The comparison is case sensitive!


The "contains" rule checks if a given Text (the validated subject) includes a given string at any position. Based on

  "$type": "TextRule",
  "$rule": "contains",
  "parameter": "0664"

The parameter is a string which serves as the second argument for the rule function. The given Text (the validated subject) must have the given parameter as substring at any position. The comparison is case sensitive!


The "isInSet" rule checks if a given Text (the validated subject) is in the given set of allowed values.

  "$type": "TextRule",
  "$rule": "isInSet",
  "parameter": [

The parameter is an array that contains strings, which are valid instances for the given Text (the validated subject).


The "matchesPattern" rule checks if a given Text (the validated subject) matches a given regular expression. Based on

The Regex pattern is expected to work with a javascript engine Note that the regex must be escaped so that it can be included as JSON value. The regex shall be unescaped before it can be passed to the regex validation function.

  "$type": "TextRule",
  "$rule": "matchesPattern",
  "parameter": "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$",
  "description": "email address using pattern according to RFC 5322"

The parameter is a regex that serves as the second argument for the rule function. The given Text (the validated subject) must match the regex in order to be valid.


The "hasFormat" rule checks if a given Text (the validated subject) matches a given pre-defined format. Like the pattern constraint of JSON Schema, the pre-defined formats are based on specifications provided by official authorities (see OR formats specified by

  "$type": "TextRule",
  "$rule": "hasFormat",
  "parameter": "email",
  "description": "email address validation with built in format according to RFC 5322"

The parameter is a string that serves as the second argument for the rule function. The passed "format" must be one of the pre-defined formats of the DS vocabulary.

Pre-defined Formats for the Domain Specification context SHOULD be based on properties and intangibles of which expect a special string as value. (todo: investigate which formats are interesting)

Last updated