Grammar Documentation for node type "CustomEnumerationValue"

This is a node specifying the usage of a custom enumeration value instance.

This node should allow the usage of value instances that are NOT stated as an enumeration value instance by

Usually, enumerations have a set of valid instances for that enumeration:

e.g. is an enumeration value instance for the enumeration

But there are also enumerations, which do not specify such a set of valid instances; There is a set of "commonly used values" at most, which are in the description of the enumeration:

e.g. is an enumeration without enumeration value instances. However, the description lists a set of commonly used values for this enumeration (which are not part of, e.g.

The node type "CustomEnumerationValue" enables the definition and usage of such external enumeration values.


Required. Has always the string "CustomEnumerationValue" as value.

Based on "@type" from JSON-LD (Indicates the type of the node/object). This value is a short form for the URI identifying this node type in the DS grammar.


Required. Has always a string as value.

The string must be an URI for the custom enumeration value, e.g. ""


Optional. Has always a string as value.

Same as the property "name" from (meta information about the entity).


Optional. Has always a string as value.

Same as the property "description" from (meta information about the entity).

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