SDO Class

JSON Syntax of DS-V1

A dsv:RestrictedClass node specifies the use of a SDO Class (referenced with dsv:baseClass) with a limited amount of properties. Each property is represented by its own dsv:Property node.

  "@type": "dsv:RestrictedClass",
  "dsv:baseClass": {
    "@id": "schema:Airport"
  "schema:name": "Airport",
  "dsv:property": [
      "@type": "dsv:Property",


Basically a straightforward mapping. If a sh:NodeShape specifies a root node for verification, then sh:targetClass is used instead of sh:class. In SHACL there is supposed to be only one sh:targetClass that links the restriction definition with the target document. The "@ type": "sh:NodeShape" type definition is optional. For sh:class arrays are allowed, these are supposed to represent multi-typed entities (MTE) and our verification tool matches this MTEs only if the target entity has all the listed classes (see the second example). The verification tool is also expected to accept subclasses of the class(es) defined in sh:class.

Example uses @context of

  "sh:class": "schema:Airport",
  "sh:node": {
    "@type": "sh:NodeShape",
    "sh:property": [
        "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",
  "sh:class": ["schema:HotelRoom", "schema:Product"],
  "sh:node": {
    "@type": "sh:NodeShape",
    "sh:property": [
        "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",

Target Annotation structure (JSON-LD)

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Airport",

This MTE can have properties of schema:HotelRoom and of schema:Product.

  "@context": "",
  "@type": ["HotelRoom", "Product"],

Last updated