Class Node

A Class Node is used as a potential range for a Property Node.

It is represented by an object with "@type": "sh:NodeShape" that is wrapped by the term sh:node. This NodeShape is used to express all the characteristics and constraints of the Class Node. The most important constraint is sh:class, which constraints the class(es) that the target entity must have. For sh:class arrays are allowed, which are supposed to represent multi-typed entities (MTE).

The @id of a Class Node is used to reference it in other parts of the Domain Specification, and so reuse already defined constraints for a specific Class. Details below.

1. Example

  "sh:node": {
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "sh:NodeShape",
    "sh:class": [
    "sh:closed": true,
    "sh:property": [

2. Key-value Table

The following table lists all possible terms that can be used by a Class Node. The order in the table reflects the recommended order of these terms within a Class Node (optional).

3. Semantics

3.1. Class-Matching

See SHACL specification.

A Class Node includes sh:class to specify the class(es) that the verified entity MUST match. Domain Specifications use custom semantics for class matching.


"sh:class": [
"sh:class": [

3.2. Properties

The terms sh:property and sh:closed are used in a Class Node to give further restrictions on the properties of the corresponding entity. Such a Class Node with property restrictions is also called Restricted Class Node. A Class Node without further property restrictions is called a Standard Class Node.

3.2.1. sh:property

See SHACL specification.

The term sh:property lists the property shapes that the target entity must comply with. For every property, there is a corresponding Property Node in this list.


"sh:property": [
    "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",
    "sh:order": 0,
    "sh:path": "schema:identifier"
    "sh:maxCount": 1,
    "sh:or": [
        "sh:datatype": "xsd:string",
    "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",
    "sh:order": 1,
    "sh:path": "schema:alternateName"
    "sh:maxCount": 1,
    "sh:or": [
       "sh:datatype": "xsd:string",

3.2.2. sh:closed

See SHACL specification.

The term sh:closed can be used to specify if additional properties (other than the properties allowed by sh:property) are allowed or not. In the past, Domain Specifications had "sh:closed": true implicitly in all NodeShapes. Now the DS creator should specify the wished behaviour.


"sh:closed": true

3.3. Use of Internal references

In order to reference NodeShapes that are part of a DS, those NodeShapes need an IRI. It makes sense to give them the same BaseIRI as the DS in which they are in, with the addition of a fragment id, e.g. in the DS with the IRI there could be a NodeShape with the IRI

Example Class Node (inner NodeShape):

  "sh:node": {
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "sh:NodeShape",
    "sh:class": ["schema:PostalAddress"],
    "sh:closed": true,
    "sh:property": [

Example Property node that references the previous example Class node:

  "@type": "sh:PropertyShape",
  "sh:path": "schema:address",
  "sh:or": [
      "sh:node": {
        "@id": ""

In order to make the use of internal references more convenient, we introduce the following rules:

  • Every NodeShape inside a DS receives an IRI, even if it hasn't been referenced yet.

  • The NodeShape that specifies the class node (the referenced NodeShape) contains "@type": "sh:NodeShape" and all the constraints needed.

  • The internal references contain only the @id property. They can not add additional constraints.

  • Only valid matches can be used as a reference for a range, for this, the sh:class constraint of the target NodeShape is checked. If the target class of a NodeShape is schema:Hotel, but the property in question can not have that class as a valid range, then that NodeShape can not be referenced.

  • It is possible to create circular Domain Specifications.

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