Vocabulary for Domain Specifications
Domain Specifications are defined in an RDF-conform format (JSON-LD). Therefore, we introduce a vocabulary that contains new terms (where we can't reuse existing terms) needed for DomainSpecifications and its related uses (e.g. DS-Lists, verification results). The vocabulary file should be available at its namespace http://vocab.sti2.at/ds/ (content negotiation enabled). The vocabulary file can also be found on this Wiki, please check that out for details.
This vocabulary should cover the introduced terms needed for following document types:
Domain Specification - A document that specifies constraints for a Semantic Annotation or entity in a Knowledge Graph (KG). Examples can be found at https://semantify.it/domainspecifications/.
List - A document that contains a set of Vocabularies, or a set of DomainSpecifications. Examples can be found at https://semantify.it/lists/.
Verification Results - With Verigraph we introduced RDF-conform verification results, in order to be align with SHACL's Validation Reports. Verigraph is able to output the verification results in SHACL and in our own format (a JSON-LD version of the JSON we used before). This means that we should write a more detailed specification on how this verification results look like; it should cover the verification of semantic annotations as well as the verification of knowledge graphs; it should cover all types of verification (General Ver. -> Annotation vs. Schema.org | Compliance Ver. -> Annotation vs. DS | Meta Ver. -> DS vs. Schema.org and DS-Specification).
First, we have a List of the new terms introduced. Then a mapping between these terms and the previously mentioned document types that use those terms. The following @context is used for abbreviations:
New Terms
ds:DomainSpecification - A Class representing a Domain Specification.
ds:Vocabulary - A Class representing an RDF Vocabulary.
ds:usedVocabularies - A property holding the Vocabularies used in a Domain Specification besides schema.org.
ds:VerificationReport - A general Class representing a Verification Report of any kind (General, Compliance, Meta) or target (Annotation, KG).
ds:verificationResult - A property that holds the overall verification outcome of a ds:VerificationReport as a String.
todo: Add the other terms related to the verification report.
Document Type
Used new Term
Domain Specification
Verification Result
todo: Add the other terms related to the verification report.
As an overview about verification and the ds specc we have following Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UPVY57CffPQJezwvjCBHL4d3wngI05F0nHFIuBz_FZg/edit#
Labels, how do they work? Should we use language tags everywhere it is possible? e.g. {"@language": "en", "@value":"Meta Error"}
Plural or singular property names?
Can/should we make ds:DomainSpecification a subclass of sh:NodeShape? The idea would be to substitute the current @type ["sh:NodeShape","schema:CreativeWork"] with "ds:DomainSpecification". We couldn't put the DS document as such in a SHACL validator anymore (But we don't care?). Else we have to use @type ["sh:NodeShape","ds:DomainSpecification"].
There should be more specific sub-classes to this, for every verification type/target ? That allows to enforce different properties for different verification types (e.g. an @id to a DS is not needed/allowed for a general verification based on the schema.org vocab).
We use this property like SHACL, but shouldn't we introduce something like ds:value so we have control over the definition and use of that property?
original from https://github.com/w3c/data-shapes/blob/gh-pages/shacl/shacl.ttl has no rangeIncludes:
-> @param {string | null} dsPath - string indicating the path within the DS where the error occurred
-> @param {[string] | null} dataPath - array pointing to the place where the error occurred
(Paths are arrays to easier travers over them and differentiate between "steps" which may include MTEs e.g. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/144iAPlBpjFS4WF1-czwmiIo9IFQNtqH2JPrxiJdKuFM/edit#gid=0 )
What is "schema:rangeIncludes" in this case? can we say a rdf:List ? since the order matters
note: maybe we change this property with a JSON-Path, ergo a single string is the range
todo: Add the other terms related to the verification report.
Last updated